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Announcing the 2015 Colourful Smoothie Challenge


It’s almost June…and that means…the Colourful Smoothie Challenge is happening in just a few days! I’m beyond excited! I think it’s safe to say I have an obvious smoothie obsession…and over three years ago I decided to turn that into an annual contest. Watch my video and get inspired to join in

It’s Almost Here!


I am so excited! I have been prepping for this year’s Colourful Smoothie Challenge for a couple months now…and it’s almost here! I’ve had people wondering if I was doing it this year…and this answer is a resounding YES! In case you didn’t remember from last year, or you’re a new reader, here’s what’s happening! For the whole month of June we’re

Low Carb Macaroni and Cheese


I’ve been challenging myself to upping my healthy eating, and decreasing my sugar (or my cheats) drastically. Sunday is usually the day where I allow myself more wiggle room, but for a season I’ve decided to tighten my game a little…and for me that’s sticking to the low carb, no sugar lifestyle

Low Carb Vanilla Ice-Cream


So yes, this may be the third ice-cream recipe I’ve posted in a short time period. I don’t think you’re allowed to judge, but if you want to…that’s okay too. Basically I just really like ice-cream. This one has a little more fat content, but is a scrumptious, creamy classic. A skeleton for your wildest ice-cream dreams!  Low Carb Vanilla Ice-Cream  1 cup almond milk,… Read More

How to Make Pickled Hard-boiled Eggs


Ever since I was small, I’ve had a taste for pickles. I guess I like vinegar. Pickled onions, dill pickles, salt and vinegar chips…they are one of those flavours that I could be slightly addicted to. Also, while I’m on

Red Pepper and Cottage Cheese Frittata


Picture this. You’ve had the worst night with your baby. Your mascara is half on your lashes and the rest has settled on the already dark bags under your eyes. The bed has never felt so soft and you never want to leave…but you know should make breakfast. Then, like magic, someone has entered the room with a breakfast tray with your

Low Carb Chocolate Ice-Cream


I have not slowed down since I made that blueberry ice-cream. Blame cravings, the sunshine, or my desire to make ALL the flavours, but I’m hooked. The chocolate one I made with half the fat and

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