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FitFluential Is Fitness Found
Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge
Blueberry Sunset Slushie 02

Blueberry Sunset Slushie


Slushies are kinda disgusting…completely gross. They’re loaded with so much sugar and artificial colouring. But you know…some people like them. They’re too sweet for me, but on a warm day I can see how they’d be remotely appealing. So I decided to upgrade

Green Smoothie 02

Green Goodness Smoothie


Hey guys, I’m back! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I’m fearlessly wearing green today…despite the fact that the only shirt I could find was an old, extra-large, tee-shirt. It’s obviously too big and extremely tacky. So yes, I look the opposite of

Peach Coconut Smoothie 03

Peach Coconut Smoothie


This morning I wanted something different than my usual “toss in a banana and almond milk” type smoothie. I wanted a flavour that combined two of my favourite fruits. I was surprised how well the coconut flavour matched the sweet, smoothness of the peach.


My ABC’s


I didn’t have time to work on a recipe or photos today, so I thought I’d post a survey I’ve seen floating around the blogosphere.

Marathon 02

Something Crazy


Guess what? I have a secret…but I’m going to tell you anyway. I haven’t even told a lot of my friends yet…maybe I’m too nervous! I bought these new shoes for training for a special race

Apple Dip 01

Caramel Apple Dip


I have my own built-in philosophy which says that ‘healthy food should be yummy’. Meet the Caramel Apple Dip. Enough of the posts about detox and cleansing, let’s get to the tasty stuff. Actually, this is a very guilt free snack, even though

Green Juice 01

Detoxing Tips (and a Juice Recipe!)


So I finished my cleanse yesterday and am happy to report that my cold is a lot better. Yay. Goal achieved. Today I’m sticking to raw fruits and vegetables, soups, salads, and foods that are easy to digest. You have no idea how good an orange is after not eating real food for three days. When coming off a cleanse it’s vital that you take… Read More

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