…for me anyway. Yesterday I decided that my chest injury was controlling me too much and even if I had some discomfort I just had to keep training. My marathon is coming up pretty soon (two months!) and now was not the time to decrease my running.
Yesterday my sister and I spent the day with three of my nieces. We had a ball together…they’re such dramatic, sweet kids. They have such big imaginations and make up such wild stories, which make me laugh so hard.
Yesterday I felt sort of under the weather…it’s the kind of day where I want to just be anti-social, drink hot chocolate, and sketch. But it’s also the sort of day where lots is happening and I have loads to do, whether I ignore the fact or not. So because of
Carrot crazed human. This is me. It’s one of the best vegetables in the world. I heart them juiced. Love them in stir-fry. They’re amazing dunked in dip. Boiled. Steamed. Pureed like baby food. In soups. Pulled out from the garden after
So a few days ago I had a reader wondering if I give out a typical day of what I eat. I thought that sounded like fun, so yesterday I took pictures of everything that went in my mouth. Well, almost everything
So even though the day before yesterday was the first day of spring, Old Man Winter is clearly having a hard time relinquishing his hold on the weather. I’m fine with it. I like being warm and cozy, wrapped in sweaters, and eating hot muffins and soup. So far, my
I’ve decided to start a feature that highlights an amazing recipe I’ve tried from a blogger friend. It will give a shout out to great people with great recipes and star a recipe that I love to bite-size pieces. So welcome to this week’s featured Star Recipe!