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FitFluential Is Fitness Found
Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge
Marathon 03

Preparation for the Week Before a Marathon


First of all, I just want to thank all of you that have been commenting and praying for my niece, which is so special to me! She’s still in ICU, but she’s a little more stable. The doctors are still running tests and trying to figure out what is going on, but everything seems to be

cereal 01

Uses for Almond Pulp – Crunchy Oaty Cereal


Today I have a special someone doing a guest post for me! (drumroll please…) Introducing Heather Pace! She has a lovely blog called Sweetly Raw and it’s full of lots of healthy treats that gets me drooling on the keyboard. Since my last post was about almond milk I wanted her to give us a yummy recipe that includes almond pulp

Almond Milk 03

How to Make Almond Milk


Most of our family tries to avoid drinking cow’s milk. Sometimes we use it for baking or use a splash in our tea, or we’ll use it when we’ve ran out of our nut milk, but generally I try to boycott it. I still eat dairy

Vegan Cheesy Pasta 01

Vegan Cheesy Pasta


Yesterday needed serious fuel. We started planting our square foot garden; I mowed four of our five lawns and the driveway, I got extremely sunburned, did some housework, some studying, and last but not least…recipe inventing. I’ve had this recipe in my head for weeks. So with

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Vegan Nut-Free “Almond” Roca


Today my sweet tooth attacked me…it was a brutal fight which lasted maybe 30 seconds. I simply smiled and waved the white flag of surrender, while dreaming of the something I had been tempted with. It’s a childhood favourite…we didn’t make it very often, so it was so special when

AloeHa Smoothie 01

AloeHa Smoothie


I have heard of the benefits of aloe vera for a long time, but I never was inspired to use it. It seemed since we had a small plant the effort to extract the gel wasn’t worth the time…perhaps if I had one of those giant aloe plants all the health


One of Those Days


The day we had left my brother’s place, my brother Cam and I got up early to get in a run together. I don’t often get many opportunities to run with people, especially my brothers…so I thought it’d be fun. I came back

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