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FitFluential Is Fitness Found
Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge

Red Pepper Eggs


Happy Saturday guys! Today this isn’t really a recipe post…it’s just a fun little post to show you how I did my eggs up this morning. It’s such a cute way to make them look pretty. Kids think it’s

Oatmeal Protein Pancake 01 (Large)

Oatmeal Protein Pancakes


I’m about to introduce you to my newest obsession…protein pancakes! I make them a million ways, but this is one of my favourite versions! I had one of these fat, big pancakes after a hard morning workout this morning before everyone

Get Rid of Dry Skin


Do you have dry skin? Some people really struggle with it in the wintertime, but I seem to have it all year. But I’m starting to finally balance my skin out and it’s a lot more moist lately! Now my skin is hardly ever dry!

Chocolate Coconut Protein Smoothie 02

Chocolate Coconut Protein Smoothie


I’m learning that the less I eat sweets or dessert the less I crave them…but I’m not gonna lie…I still get cravings for it! But I think I’m starting to learn how to beat those pesky cravings.

Quiona Chicken Protein Bowl 01

Quinoa Chicken Summer Salad


I’m loving this summer salad! You might be sick of me and my quest for high protein recipes, but I’m just getting started…haha. I guess I’m just so happy about how much better I feel when I include a good dose of protein in my meals

Tantalizing Tuna Burger 01 (1)

Tantalizing Tuna Burger


Okay. This is definitely a recipe you need to try. It’s kind of the most amazing thing ever. I’ve been having it over and over for lunch lately because not only is it succulently delicious, it’s probably the best recipe ever for cramming in protein. If you make a giant tuna burger out of

Healthy Iced Coffee 01

Healthy Coffee Frappuccino


Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a couple days…we’ve been having a busy, fun time with some of my family visiting. Some posts are worth the wait. I have discovered the best coffee ever. I’m so excited

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