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FitFluential Is Fitness Found
Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge
Birthday Cake Milkshake 05

Birthday Cake Milkshake


Today is the first day of spring! However, our home is covered in inches of snow. For the entire winter we’ve had barely any snow and right when we’re supposed to start the whole “green grass and daffodils” thing we get a snowstorm! I had planned on playing some

Lime seafoam dessert 01

Green Deliciousness for Saint Patrick’s Day


Hey guys! This is just going to be a quick post to share with you a couple fun ideas for Saint Patrick’s! These next few days are a little crazy for me and the family, so I’ll be

Moonlight Race 03

Moonlight 10K Run Recap


I’m alive. Honestly, it was one of the most unique runs I’ve ever done for the following reasons

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge 01

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge


Chocolate + peanut butter = perfection. It’s one of the best inventions God ever invented. Every time I see a Reese’s peanut butter cup, I kind of die inside. They are so bad for you. Downright evil…but they taste soooo good.

Dumbells 01

Birthday Challenge


Today’s post will be a Motivational Monday post (even though it’s Tuesday – we’ll just pretend). It’s also only two weeks till my birthday, so I decided to take this next while to amp up my nutrition, diet, and fitness. These last two weeks I’ve noticed I’ve been

Cinnamon Sticks 01

A Cinnamon Solution


I was savouring some kitchen memories yesterday and this came back to me… My sister was in the middle of making homemade cinnamon rolls and we discovered we had no ground cinnamon..and as everyone knows, you can’t make cinnamon buns without


Homemade Salmon Burger


Hey guys! I’m sorry for being absent-tee for so long and I have buckets of excuses, which have a lot to do with my Grandma’s passing …however, I’m finally back. Before I go on, I want to say how much your comments on my last post just blessed me so much! You all are so kind and

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