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Lemon Meringue Smoothie 01

Lemon Meringue Smoothie


Now that the outdoors is warming up and I’m enjoying more of this beautiful spring weather, I find myself gravitating to smoothies. There’s just nothing more refreshing on a warm day.

Sugar Free Chocolate Covered Strawberries 02

Sugar-Free Chocolate Strawberries


During the week I try to stay away from sugar, but that doesn’t mean I stay away from desserts. Skipping out on chocolate is not Charissa style. The other day I made a chocolate dipping sauce for some fresh strawberries. I love this because it’s a delicious, sweet dessert AND it’s packed full of

Exotic fruit salad 01 (1)

Exotic Fruit Salad


Hey guys…it’s great to be back after an awesome weekend! For those of you don’t know I sing in a family band. Once the busy season picks up we’re gone pretty much every weekend. Sometimes

Purple Shake 01

The Purple Vega Shake


I’m a huge Vega fan, so I was elated to try their newest product, Vega One. I kept seeing ads for it everywhere which kept making me want to try it.

02 superfood shake

My Favourite Superfood Smoothie


Hey guys! This week it’s all about fruit…I can’t wait to share with you some fruiti-licious delights with you! Starting with my new favourite smoothie…

Chocolate Banana Protein Pancake 01

Chocolate Banana Protein Pancake (& review)


A year ago I didn’t know what protein pancakes were. Now I can’t imagine my life without them. I love them because not only are they full of protein, they’re filling, lower calorie, versatile, and of course…DELICIOUS.

Gum 01

Why I Don’t Chew Gum


I used to be a crazy gum lover. In fact, when I was a teenager I would chew gum every night to help me get to sleep. Yes, that is a strange habit. Then, I noticed that I was getting more headaches. Curious, I started to do a little research about gum

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