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FitFluential Is Fitness Found
Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge
Alarm Clock 01

Project Morning Person


I don’t know about you, but I am not a morning person. However, it must be in the genes, because my whole family are night owls. Most days it’s pretty much midnight. We’re just night people and that’s what we like.

Sassy Water 01

My Spa Water Obsession


It must be the hot sun, but lately I’ve been drinking water ALL the time. I just can’t get enough. Of course, this delicious beverage makes me want to drink more.

Cottage Cheese Whip 03

Cheesecake in a Bowl


I have been wanting to share this recipe with you for ages. For all of you who like sweet evening snacks, you will love this one! It’s low calorie, high in protein, and won’t wreck your clean eating.

List 01

Superwoman and her Trusty Shopping List (guest post)


Lately, my schedule has been so busy that really it seems like the only thing I’ve had time for (in Colourful Palate world) is sending out some tweets in the middle of my other projects. Summer is very busy for our family band and we’re doing a lot of traveling with our music and this weekend is no exception. So when

Vanilla Protein Pancake 01

Vanilla Protein Pancakes


Since July was all about the smoothies, I’m going to switch things up for this month. I’ve been wanting to share this recipe with you for a while. I am so obsessed with protein pancakes. So flipping good (yes, that was a pun).

Smoothie 01

Recap of the July Colourful Smoothie Challenge


It’s officially August! This means only one more month of magical summer – it also means that our July Smoothie Challenge is over and it’s time to announce the winners!

Eat Clean Smoothie 01

Smoothie Challenge Recap


Only one more day of the Smoothie Challenge! Wahoo! Even with the traveling I’ve been doing I’ve been fitting in a smoothie every day. I think having a smoothie every day has become a habit now. Well, they say it only takes 28 days to form

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