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FitFluential Is Fitness Found
Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge

Life Giving Nutrients for our Body AND Soul


Summer has a way of making you ridiculously busy and lazy all at the same time. I’ve let travel, friends, volleyball, day trips, company, music, and work take over…so I haven’t had the strongest online presence lately. Which is good. Somedays you just need to step away from the computer and get unplugged. All the while

Star Recipe: Kombucha Mojito


You know I’ve been on a smoothie kick lately, but here’s another drink that’s been on my happy radar. For the new Colourful Palate reader, the “Star Recipes” feature is where I highlight a recipe from another blogger or recipe book (with permission of course!) that I dig so much I have to pass on the love! Several years ago, when I was still doing

Vegan Coconut Chai Smoothie


It’s amazing what a few spices can do. They can take the most boring food and make it extraordinary…think about how bland everything would be without salt. Really blaaaaaaaa….nd. However, when I think about it, I haven’t used a lot of spices in my smoothies. What made me think this, was this amazing chai smoothie I had

Creamy Strawberry Spirulina Shake


I’m always looking for ways to eat my beloved spirulina, and while I have some creative ideas brewing in my brain, I always revert back to spirulina smoothies. This one I made a few days ago and it is my newest smoothie obsession. Its almost like one of those creamy Starbuck frappas – but of course, I made

Shaking Things Up


So much fun happening around here. Lots of smoothies…and I mean, BIG smoothies! The smoothie in the above picture is correctly named the “Big Boy” smoothie from the THM book. People, if you

Cacao Refuel Smoothie


Can I just say how much I love doing this August challenge with you guys? I’ve received so many emails, tweets, and Instagram messages that made me smile so wide! It makes me so happy knowing that you guys are loving making your health a priority! For this challenge, Vega sent me

15 Low Sugar Smoothie Recipes


Can you believe it…August has started and so has the COLOURFUL SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE! Yay! I’ve been loving all your check-ins so far and posted a video on Instagram of today’s smoothie. Who says eating healthy is no fun?! Since I was very young, I did a lot of research on health/nutrition/fitness and learned

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