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A Day off is a Glorious Thing


Note: This post is from a few days ago. Unfortunately I have been having problems with my internet so I couldn’t upload it. Thank goodness it’s fixed! I love having a day off, it’s so great to just catch up. I’m one of those people that

Spaghetti Squash Marinara Bake


This fall season is my new happy place. I’m being swept away by the romance of everything autumn. Except for the Starbucks pumpkin spice late. I’ll take homemade any

Home for Thanksgiving


There is nothing nicer, or more refreshing, than coming home for Thanksgiving. Yes, us Canadians just had our Thanksgiving. And it was divine. This week was

Soul Vitamin – Rest (part 1)


I’m so excited to start up this Soul Vitamin section…I feel like there are so many stories (i.e. lessons) that I have had happen to me in the last year. I just keep learning…and growing. It’s fun to actually start sharing more of my life and what’s happening here… A few weeks ago, I was

Portabella Pizzas


This recipe is for my fellow “hobbit” friends. And when I say hobbit, I don’t imply that I’m short and only think short people should eat this. Or that you have hairy feet. These mini pizzas feature the most esteemed Portabella mushroom…and hobbits love mushrooms. It’s a great way to stack up your veggie intake and get in more B vitamins and minerals into your… Read More

Raw Chia Superfood Cereal


I’ve been looking for a low calorie, low sugar granola. Turns out those are hard to find. You know what they say, if you want something done right you need to do it yourself. Well, ok…maybe that’s not entirely true. I did find one brand that I loved, but it was a bit pricey for me to buy regularly. I decided to make it myself…. Read More

Fall is Here


For some reason, I was surprised when I glanced at my agenda yesterday. On the page at the top of September 23, in small letters, was written First Day of Fall. Oh. Not sure when that happened. I guess those crisp early mornings were a good cue. I wasn’t prepared to say goodbye to this beauty…green grass, warm summer evenings, sundresses, no jackets…. I was… Read More

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