I’ve moved! I have a new webspace!
Hello friend! I have not logged on here for a minute, but I just wanted to share that, as of a few months ago, I now have a blog at Wing It My Way. I still share wellness and my holistic lifestyle, but also my travels as a flight attendant and travel blogger.
I have fallen deeply and madly in love with the travel lifestyle, pursuing spiritual wholeness, all while chasing all the dreams put in my heart. Oh, and I got married to the most amazing Dutchman! Lots of fun stuff over at my new blog!
I so hope you stop by and we can reconnect again. I have the best memories and have met so many incredible people through this channel! so much love xx
Category: Life | Tags: flight attendant blog, wing it my way' One comment »
I’m looking forward to getting your back into your blog!
I also congratulate you on your marriage. That was a surprise (…your parents shared the news some time ago ) BTW I am half Dutch!…just thought I’d mention that.
Please share our greetings with him. I think he has won a precious gift!