7 Colourful Things
It’s been a while since I’ve done this feature. For those of you who don’t know, this is a post where I share 7 things that have been adding colour to my life as of late.
1. This Unicorn Bowl
But seriously. How adorable is this! I have had a long-standing obsession with unicorns (and rainbows!) and the two of them were married in this beautiful, handmade bowl. Honestly, I don’t know if it’s the fact I have the taste of a 5 year old, but I’m in love with this bowl. Pulling it down from the cupboard in the morning just makes me smile.
2. Starbucks Passion Tea
Honestly yo, if you have SB addiction and want to keep with the healthy sugar-free life. This. Is. What. You. Do.
Get yourself some cold passion tea, iced…unsweetened. Pop in some stevia and it tastes so so similar to their version. Calorie and sugar free! I use NuNaturals stevia tablets and keep them in my purse.
3. Gilded Jewelry Tree
This is my newest trinket that I’m very proud to have in my possession. I have been wanting one of these jewelry trees for a long time, I even started hunting for the perfect branches to make my own. However, I have very little faith in my crafty skills, so I nearly died and went to heaven when Uncommon Goods sent me this one from their jewelry collection. It’s absolutely stunning. The base is made of marble and the branches are painted gold, just SO SO classy. It works well for bracelets, rings, and necklaces. Long necklaces and earrings might be more difficult to hang (I mostly wear studs), but you can also drape extra long chains on several branches if this is the only place you keep your jewelry. I keep this in my mint and gold accented bathroom and it has significantly upped the elegant factor.
4. This Coffee.
So I may have found a new coffee shop that I love. If you’re ever in Calgary folks, hit up Rosso.
5. Dream Journal
Ever since I was a little girl I kept a dream journal. I thought it was hilarious to read my friends my dreams and I loved the morning routine of grabbing my little notebook and writing down all that fun things I did in my sleep. 15 years later, it’s apparently become in vogue to keep track of what you dream, whether you’re 10 or 42 years old. I honestly think this is the cutest journal and a fun morning ritual (check out Uncommon Good’s other fun items!). We all know if you don’t try to remember your dream first thing in the morning, then it’s gone forever.
There are check-boxes for what kind of dream it was and the emotions it brought to the surface. There’s even a space to illustrate your dream and why you thought you dreamed about it.
6. This Food Combination
Turns out yogurt, blackberries, sunflower seeds, kiwi, and avocado are actually magic together.
7. Burt’s Bees Radiant Lotion
Where I live it is DRY. I alternate from coconut oil as a moisturizer and using this amazing lotion from from Burt’s Bees. It is a lifesaver (and it smells really good!).
Thanks to Uncommon Goods for sponsoring this post. I had never heard of this company and as soon as I started browsing their website, I kid you not, I spent probably two collective hours drooling over their unique and beautiful items. They also have a marvelous mission, focusing on handmade, recycled and organic products and employing very cool artists. I’m all about that and was so excited to experience a bit of their magic. Check out their website (I love their gifts under $50 collection) and I guarantee you’ll fall down the rabbit hole.
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Uncommon Goods, all opinions are my own and are completely honest. I only work with brands that reflect my own personal values.Category: Colourful Things | Tags: burts bee radiant lotion, dream journal, gilded gold jewlery tree, how to keep a dream diary, roccos coffee, sugar free drinks at starbucks, unicorn bowl, yogurt and fruit parfait recipe One comment »
These items are magical! I absolutely love this post! Oh, yes and you have very good taste!