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Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea 079 feature

Normally I try to post early in the morning, well…today was one of those days.

This happened.

Study 01

Actually, my studying takes up a lot of my hours every day, but today took the cake. Not only did I study during the morning, the afternoon, and until dinner…I had to study in the evening too. It was just a heavy day.

That is why I didn’t have any time to post anything this morning. So now, at almost 10 o’clock, I can finally sit down and get a post written.

I’ve been meaning to do a post on green tea for ages. I’m such a huge fan of it! Actually, most of the family drinks it too. Once my Dad learned how great it is for you (years ago) he drinks it every single day. My Dad is in his sixties and one of the most youthful men I know (maybe that’s his secret!).

Green Tea 01

Growing up, I had my own rule that I had to drink at least 2 cups of green tea daily. I did this for years. Then, I somehow got out of the habit. So now, I’m trying to get back into that habit. I don’t brew up 2 separate mugs, I just get this giant mug out and it totally counts for over two cups!

Green Tea 03

Onto WHY I love Green tea:

  • Amazing source of anti-oxidants (it supposedly even keeps you looking younger!)
  • Great for hydration
  • Prevents tooth decay and bad breath
  • Helps preserve and build bone
  • Boosts your immunity!
  • Burns fat and enables you to exercise longer (Apparently drinking over 3 cups of green tea daily burns 70 calories! I’m not sure if that’s true, but it’s worth trying!)
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Lowers stress, but boosts brain power
  • Healthy, fresh taste!

If it really does boost brain power, I think I’d better triple the amount I drink on study days!

Some people don’t like the taste of green tea. I get it. I hated it for two months when I started drinking it, but after two months I started to crave it. Now that I’m getting in the habit again, I miss it when I don’t drink it.

However, some people don’t change. My Dad started out disliking it and he still dislikes it. He thinks it tastes like dishwater, but he still happily drinks it every day! Sometimes he adds a little honey to sweeten it up.

Note: I don’t leave the teabag in more than 3 minutes, after that point it starts to get bitter.

Green Tea Tray 01

For Christmas, I got a no-drip teapot from a friend. I loved it and decided I’d make up a tea tray for my room. (I still need to get a little container to put the tea bags in.) Now that I’m studying so much, I can drink a pot of tea in the morning all by myself. I just have to fill the teapot up with boiling water, pop a tea bag or two in there, and I’m all set!

What is your favourite kind of tea? Do you like the taste of green tea?

Category: Healthy Living, Life | Tags: , , , , 19 comments »

19 Responses to “Benefits of Green Tea”

  1. Leanne

    What are you studying? Does green tea have caffeine in it?

  2. Charissa

    Hey Leanne, I talked about what the studying is about in this post:

    But we’ll have to chat it up sometime…I want to hear how things are in your life too!

    Green tea has what they call a “clean caffeine” that is good for you, but it’s very low in caffeine compared to coffee. However, it still does have a bit of caffeine in it. I can’t drink coffee at night, but I can drink green tea in the evening.

  3. Emily

    I love green tea! Actually, I love almost any type of tea. I don’t discriminate! But, a simple cup of green tea is probably my favorite. It’s so refreshing and delicious.
    I got a teapot for Christmas that brews full leaf teas which I’m obsessed with. I swear they taste better than the bagged variety (though it’s probably all in my head!)

  4. Leonor

    Green tea with agave is my favorite! I like to drink it every night. It’s relaxing.

  5. Lois

    I too love green tea, and its health benefits make me like it even more! My favorite is green tea with lemongrass, which I order in bulk from Good Earth in both regular and decaf. A close second is Goji Cacao Berry from Zhena’s Gypsy Tea. However, plain green is fine, too. I tend to leave the teabag in the entire time. I don’t sweeten my tea.

  6. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes

    I loove black teas, but I am learning to love green! Great post :)

  7. Lindsey

    I love green tea. My favorite is Sweet Green Tea from Touch Organics but its really hard to find! My 2nd favorite is ginger and mint green tea. I drink at least 2-3 cups a day.

  8. Julie

    Hi! We just switched from coffee to green tea and I just love it. I feel so much better in the morning. I still crave the smell and feeling of coffee (I think because its been such a tradition – I worked in coffee shops as a teenager), but am trying to get over the hump! Thanks for the reminders to keep drinking it!

  9. shannonmarie (rawdorable)

    I like green tea, too, but I especially love Rooibos tea. When I find myself at Starbucks, I get a hot tea and pick a Vanilla Rooibos Chai tea bag.

  10. Rach

    I do like green tea! I used to drink it all the time when I lived in China. :) You’re definitely right about all the benefits!

  11. Madelene

    I love matcha powder the best! It has a completely different aroma from the tea bag kinds :) I usually fill my water bottle with green tea and bring it to school. It tastes good even when it’s no longer hot. Surprisingly but true! :) when I was training for a competition, I drank green tea to rehydrate!

  12. Megan

    I make a pitcher of green tea and squeeze a lime, a lemon, and an orange in it. So good!

  13. Laura

    I drink 1 liter (~4 cups) of green tea each morning – it really gives me a good start into my day!

    It is usually enough to leave the teabag in for 2, maximum 3 minutes. If you’ve got high quality green tea you can even set the teabag aside and brew it up one more time – it’s not going to taste bland.
    Oh, and another hint: green tea isn’t prepared with cooking water, but with about 175°F (80°C). That also affects the taste a little bit (maybe interesting for people who don’t like it)

  14. Suzanne

    Wow, sounds like it’s a very healthful tea, I had no idea it had all those benefits.

  15. Pat

    Are the canned cold green teas sold in corner stores just complete crap? I drink a brand called “Peace Tea” now and then. Only 99cents but I’m sure it’s mostly sugar.

  16. Charissa

    Pat~ Maybe. Check the ingredients and make sure there is no sugar. Honey or agave nectar would be okay…
    But why not make your own by brewing green tea, adding a light amount of honey, and then chilling it in the fridge! :)

  17. Steph

    What brand of green tea do you buy, Charissa? Is Tazo a good brand?

  18. Charissa

    Steph~ Currently I’m drinking Kirkland…but Tazo is great! I know that the Yogi Green tea is fantastic too.

  19. Alessandro

    Hi !
    Actually I drink every day 1 liter of green tea decaf (organic product) for 1 year. Every evening I put 2 bags into 1 bottle of still water (room temperature) and remove at the morning (no sugar in the tea). I drink the tea during the day. No flu during the winter :-)

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