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Archive for August 2015

14 Healthy College Lunches


14 Healthy College Lunches by Colourful Palate

I have been m.i.a for far too long. I had a list of excuses of how life has a way of crowding out blogging…but then I thought, “Why do I need to make excuses?”. Seriously, sometimes life just gets in the way. It’s fine. I needed some time off and have decided to not be hard on myself when, once in a while, I don’t get a post up.

That said, with school just around the corner I wanted to share a Continue reading »

1 comment » | Healthy Living

Provence Zuchchini “Pasta” with Cherry Tomatoes and Crumbly Goat Cheese


How to make noodles out of zuchinni and a recipe

Growing up in “almost gluten-free” home made pasta a big deal. Tortellini, spaghetti, ravioli, and even good ‘ole macaroni and cheese were special treats. This being the case, I may or may not have frequent cravings for pasta.

I don’t believe in depriving Continue reading »

1 comment » | Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Low Carb, Main Dishes, Recipes, Vegetarian

6 Relaxing Bedtime Routines to Wake up Looking Good


6 Relaxing Bedtime Routines to wake up refreshed and feeling pretty

Evening is my favourite time of day. Things are done and you can finally relax. Today I thought I’d share some of the things I do before bed to chill and feel refreshed in the morning Continue reading »

2 comments » | Natural Body Care

Low Carb Breakfast Pizza


Low Carb Breakfast Pizza Recipe

A few times a week I make myself a mini “pizza” made from a low carb tortilla. I put on a little organic tomato sauce, some protein, and veggies and bake it in the toaster oven. It’s perfect for those days where a Continue reading »

1 comment » | Breakfast, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Main Dishes, Protein, Recipes

How I’m Becoming a Morning Person…Again


How I'm Becoming a Morning Person

So, I used to be a morning person. Of sorts.

Last year I used to work at Starbucks as a barista doing the early morning shift. This meant that I was up at 4:20 and clocked in for work before Continue reading »

5 comments » | Healthy Living

Low Carb Root Beer Float


The no-sugar, low carb root beer float recipe perfect for if you are on THM, atkins, a keto diet, or just prefer not eating much sugar.

I have the sweetest childhood memories (pun intended) of getting a tall glass out and my Mom pouring root beer or cream soda most of the way up. Then she’d scoop some vanilla ice-cream on top. I loved the creamy “seafoam” and the fizzy magic.

These days I drink pop (or soda as the Americans call it) maybe once or twice a year. I find Continue reading »

Comment » | Desserts, Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes

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