I love writing this feature – even if I’m just listing a few small things that I’m grateful for…the simple act of writing it down puts me in a place of peace, and a stark realization of how blessed I am.
Lately I’ve been waking up with the scripture “His mercies are new every morning” on my lips and my heart. I’m so aware of Continue reading »
11 comments » | Colourful Things

Recently, I was challenged to try a new food. You know all those bloggers that try a new vegetable every week…well, I got stuck in a rut with buying the same groceries over and over and decided to try a culinary adventure and experiment on something that can be prepared Continue reading »
1 comment » | Appetizers, Gluten Free, Protein, Recipes, Snacks

I’m ridiculously excited to introduce to you another Colourful People interview. I was perusing on Facebook a few months ago, and I saw an article posted about an Victoria’s Secret Angel who quit one of the most coveted modeling positions in the world, because of her faith. Intrigued, I read the article and was so inspired by this model, who was willing to give up worldly success because it Continue reading »
5 comments » | Colourful People