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Archive for November 2012

Soup, Studying, and Low Carb


These last couple months have flown by – now there are only a few more weeks of this semester and I’m off for holidays! While I’m looking forward to Christmas, I have to say that I really love school. I’m already looking forward to coming winter semester in January.

Here are some bits and pieces of Continue reading »

11 comments » | Healthy Living, Life

Creamy Vegan Marinara Soup


Creamy Vegan Tomato Soup 01

It’s nearing the end of November and there’s nothing more I’m enjoying than hot, steaming soups. My sweaters and fuzzy socks are being occupied more frequently, Christmas music is starting to play, and those dark, cozy dinners are made that much more delicious with a hot bowl of goodness.

Whether it’s Continue reading »

4 comments » | Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Recipes, Soups, Vegan, Vegetarian

Gluten Free Parmesan Meatballs


Parmesan Meatballs 01

I haven’t been around on Colourful Palate much lately…and I miss it. Right now I’m trying to learn how to balance everything with college, freelancing, family, and social life. I guess my blog is the first thing to go!

However, I’m going to Continue reading »

6 comments » | Gluten Free, Low Carb, Main Dishes, Protein, Recipes

5 Great Exercises for Warm Up


It’s Motivational Monday and today I wanted to share with you some of my favourite exercises for warming up before a workout. Honestly, I never used to care about warming up. I’d just jump right into my workout. Not the best idea. However, now I’m a Continue reading »

8 comments » | Fitness, Workouts

Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies


Peanut Butter Cookies 01

I don’t know about you, but I have a serious love for peanut butter. A serious love.

I put it in everything.

Yesterday morning I had it in my Favourite Oatmeal and all week long I’ve been having it in my Continue reading »

12 comments » | Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes, Snacks

Colourful People: Top Model Shannon Stewart


Hey guys! I’ve decided to start a new feature where I interview inspirational people who have motivated me with my faith, health, or fitness!

I’m beyond excited to welcome Shannon Stewart (Ratliff) as my first guest! Some of you might have heard of her from her appearance on America’s Next Top Model (season 1) or have seen some of her modeling work. Although she is a successful model, it was her vibrant walk with Continue reading »

7 comments » | Colourful People

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