It’s totally fall. The air is nippy. The colours have changed. Kids are boarding the yellow buses, diligently text each other in class, study, and then come home ready for their after-school snack. Continue reading »
8 comments » | Dairy Free, Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Recipes, Snacks, Vegan

In our family there are a few allergies. Some of us don’t do dairy (or very much) and some don’t do gluten. I am supposed to be allergic to dairy, but it wasn’t exactly “proven”…so I still eat yogurt and some cheeses. Haha, so maybe I cheat. But really, besides that and Continue reading »
14 comments » | Breads & Muffins, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Recipes

I have very sweet childhood memories. Really sweet.
Such as going down the street to the local drug store tightly clutching four quarters in my sweaty palm…imagining all that I would buy with it. Would be it gummies, chocolate, sour cherries, or gum? I remember such sweet agony trying to Continue reading »
17 comments » | Breakfast, Dairy Free, Drinks & Smoothies, Kid Friendly, Protein, Recipes, Vegan