How’s that for a long title!? I guess I just want to make everyone think that green smoothies are cool because they have crazy long names…
I remember a time when I had green smoothies every single day. It was a rule, whether I felt like one or not. Sure, healthwise, it was great for me, but it wasn’t Continue reading »
12 comments » | Breakfast, Dairy Free, Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Protein, Recipes, Vegan

So I’m at it again…picking away at cookie dough. But I really couldn’t help it. My newest cookie creation just sorta…entices me beyond the strength I have to resist. Normally, I’m not super nuts about cookies, but I patted myself on the back for the creation because I really like these ones! Actually…the smart thing to do would be to not make delicious desserts that make healthy eating more difficult…like cookies. BUT…these are healthy! And we all know that a healthy lifestyle involves dessert…which includes cookies. Period.
What’s so great about this recipe is that not only is it gluten-free, but it’s also Continue reading »
14 comments » | Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Recipes, Snacks

You all know I’m trying to take in more protein, less carbs, blah, blah, blah…and I’m proud to announce I’m doing much better at it. My nutritionist would be proud. She has told me that Continue reading »
15 comments » | Breakfast, Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Recipes

Recently we got some organic, unsulphured dried fruits from a woman who sells health foods in our area. I was excited to use them, so I dreamed up this recipe. I wanted it to be low in fat, high in fiber, slightly sweet Continue reading »
14 comments » | Breakfast, Gluten Free, Recipes, Vegan
I’ve decided to start a new little feature here at Colourful Palate…Motivational Monday! The concept isn’t exactly earth shattering…I’ll probably be posting some photos, quotes, or new health information that I find inspiring! And hopefully Continue reading »
7 comments » | Healthy Living, Weight Loss

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians! This day is not just special because I’m Canadian, but because it’s also my Dad’s birthday! We have big plans going on for today, but first…I have to introduce to you my new-found love…Vanilla Milkshakes! Who knew you could have something SO creamy, indulgent, and Continue reading »
24 comments » | Dairy Free, Desserts, Drinks & Smoothies, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes, Vegan