I did it! I ran 26.2 miles yesterday and I’m still alive. I’m still can’t believe I did it. This was always an elusive dream for me that I never really thought I could do, and then last year after my second half marathon I knew right after the race that I would do a marathon Continue reading »
7 comments » | Fitness, Running

Hey there folks! I’m about to go to bed and get my pre-marathon rest, so I have to make this post short. I’m in an odd state of shock that I’m running a marathon tomorrow. I am SO excited, but I don’t Continue reading »
5 comments » | Running

First of all, I just want to thank all of you that have been commenting and praying for my niece, which is so special to me! She’s still in ICU, but she’s a little more stable. The doctors are still running tests and trying to figure out what is going on, but everything seems to be Continue reading »
5 comments » | Fitness, Running

Today I have a special someone doing a guest post for me! (drumroll please…) Introducing Heather Pace! She has a lovely blog called Sweetly Raw and it’s full of lots of healthy treats that gets me drooling on the keyboard. Since my last post was about almond milk I wanted her to give us a yummy recipe that includes almond pulp Continue reading »
36 comments » | Breakfast, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Recipes, Vegan

Most of our family tries to avoid drinking cow’s milk. Sometimes we use it for baking or use a splash in our tea, or we’ll use it when we’ve ran out of our nut milk, but generally I try to boycott it. I still eat dairy Continue reading »
54 comments » | Dairy Free, Drinks & Smoothies, Low Carb, Recipes, Vegan

Yesterday needed serious fuel. We started planting our square foot garden; I mowed four of our five lawns and the driveway, I got extremely sunburned, did some housework, some studying, and last but not least…recipe inventing. I’ve had this recipe in my head for weeks. So with Continue reading »
24 comments » | Dairy Free, Dips & Sauces, Kid Friendly, Main Dishes, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian

Today my sweet tooth attacked me…it was a brutal fight which lasted maybe 30 seconds. I simply smiled and waved the white flag of surrender, while dreaming of the something I had been tempted with. It’s a childhood favourite…we didn’t make it very often, so it was so special when Continue reading »
9 comments » | Desserts, Kid Friendly, Recipes, Running, Vegan