So I tackled another milestone yesterday on my marathon journey. The achievement? 16 miles. I found this run so much easier than the last 15 miler I did. My chest injury seems to be completely healed now, which helped, and I just felt like I had Continue reading »
7 comments » | Fitness, Running

Before we moved into our house in the country, we had to knock down an old, rotten house that stood where we wanted to build. The house still had pretty much everything still in it…from old dressers, books, dishes, toys, and Continue reading »
8 comments » | Desserts, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes

…for me anyway. Yesterday I decided that my chest injury was controlling me too much and even if I had some discomfort I just had to keep training. My marathon is coming up pretty soon (two months!) and now was not the time to decrease my running. Continue reading »
6 comments » | Fitness, Running