Yesterday my sister and I spent the day with three of my nieces. We had a ball together…they’re such dramatic, sweet kids. They have such big imaginations and make up such wild stories, which make me laugh so hard. Continue reading »
9 comments » | Desserts, Kid Friendly, Snacks

Yesterday I felt sort of under the weather…it’s the kind of day where I want to just be anti-social, drink hot chocolate, and sketch. But it’s also the sort of day where lots is happening and I have loads to do, whether I ignore the fact or not. So because of Continue reading »
6 comments » | Breakfast, Gluten Free, Protein, Recipes, Running

Carrot crazed human. This is me. It’s one of the best vegetables in the world. I heart them juiced. Love them in stir-fry. They’re amazing dunked in dip. Boiled. Steamed. Pureed like baby food. In soups. Pulled out from the garden after Continue reading »
9 comments » | Gluten Free, Recipes, Side Dishes, Vegan

So a few days ago I had a reader wondering if I give out a typical day of what I eat. I thought that sounded like fun, so yesterday I took pictures of everything that went in my mouth. Well, almost everything Continue reading »
7 comments » | Healthy Living

So even though the day before yesterday was the first day of spring, Old Man Winter is clearly having a hard time relinquishing his hold on the weather. I’m fine with it. I like being warm and cozy, wrapped in sweaters, and eating hot muffins and soup. So far, my Continue reading »
11 comments » | Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Recipes, Side Dishes, Soups, Vegan, Vegetarian

I’ve decided to start a feature that highlights an amazing recipe I’ve tried from a blogger friend. It will give a shout out to great people with great recipes and star a recipe that I love to bite-size pieces. So welcome to this week’s featured Star Recipe! Continue reading »
12 comments » | Snacks, Star Recipes, Vegan

Slushies are kinda disgusting…completely gross. They’re loaded with so much sugar and artificial colouring. But you know…some people like them. They’re too sweet for me, but on a warm day I can see how they’d be remotely appealing. So I decided to upgrade Continue reading »
4 comments » | Breakfast, Dairy Free, Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Recipes, Vegan