I have the sweetest childhood memories (pun intended) of getting a tall glass out and my Mom pouring root beer or cream soda most of the way up. Then she’d scoop some vanilla ice-cream on top. I loved the creamy “seafoam” and the fizzy magic.
These days I drink pop (or soda as the Americans call it) maybe once or twice a year. I find Continue reading »
Comment » | Desserts, Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes

You know those sweet, almost purple Bing cherries…in my world, they are the best summer snack. I rarely make recipes with them because I love the simplicity of eating them just as they are.
However, it’s a different story with the cherries in our backyard. We had a bountiful supply of Nanking cherries this year and we weren’t sure what Continue reading »
2 comments » | Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Protein, Recipes, Vegan
I present to you this morning’s breakfast.

Since I prefer to eat a low carb, no sugar life as a whole (lets not lie…sometimes I eat milk chocolate ), I love finding new recipes that allow me to eat “old favourites”. It seems like all the things that give me the Continue reading »
4 comments » | Breads & Muffins, Breakfast, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Protein, Recipes

So I’m Canadian, and yet, a few days ago I never found the time to put together a patriotic Canadian recipe. However, I did have time yesterday…but Canada Day had already passed. Oops.
Soooo…I reminded myself that the demographics of my readers are largely American, and decided to make something that celebrated the Fourth of July. I’m nice like that.
Just so it’s on the Continue reading »
5 comments » | Breakfast, Dairy Free, Kid Friendly, Recipes, Vegan

The challenge is almost over. I feel like there is no better way to end it than to share one of the most decadent smoothies (or more truthfully, a milkshake!) I’ve made this whole month.
Have you ever had a Continue reading »
8 comments » | Drinks & Smoothies, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes

So yes, this may be the third ice-cream recipe I’ve posted in a short time period. I don’t think you’re allowed to judge, but if you want to…that’s okay too. Basically I just really like ice-cream.

This one has a little more fat content, but is a scrumptious, creamy classic. A skeleton for your wildest ice-cream dreams!
Low Carb Vanilla Ice-Cream
- 1 cup almond milk, unsweetened
- 1/2 cup half and half
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 1/8 classic stevia syrup
- 1-2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- Pinch of pure sea salt
Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. Add to ice-cream maker according to manufacturers instructions.
*You can use any stevia based sweetener, just add according to taste. I used this NuNaturals simple syrup and I love it.

Try these low carb, sugar free frozen desserts!
What’s your go-to, vanilla or chocolate?
2 comments » | Desserts, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Recipes

Ever since I was small, I’ve had a taste for pickles.
I guess I like vinegar. Pickled onions, dill pickles, salt and vinegar chips…they are one of those flavours that I could be slightly addicted to. Also, while I’m on Continue reading »
Comment » | Appetizers, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Kid Friendly, Low Carb, Protein, Recipes, Snacks